The second edition of The Origins of Ethical Failure was awarded a Bronze medal in the Business Ethics category of the 2024 Axiom Business Book Awards. The book can be purchased here.

In this updated edition, Gentilin has reflected on the events of the past few years and provided us with a deeper, more expansive understanding of governance failures within institutions. By doing so, he has taken the exploration of ethical challenges in business to a completely new level.
Lindsay Tanner, Australian Minister for Finance, 2007-2010
If you liked the first edition of The Origins of Ethical Failures, then you MUST read this largely revised edition. This is a fascinating and challenging account of why people behave badly at work and what can be done about it.
Professor Elizabeth Sheedy, Macquarie Business School
Gentilin knows the research, and the theory, but more importantly – he has lived and exemplified the reality. If you want to be a better professional, and to be a better professional organisational leader with credibility, you will buy and read this book.
A J Brown, Professor of Public Policy & Law, Griffith University
The Origins of Ethical Failure offers the reader a range of powerful insights into what drives misconduct in financial service institutions. I commend this book to anyone seeking a more holistic understanding of ethical failure.
Helen Bird, Senior Lecturer, Swinburne Law School
Gentilin provides a challenging narrative for those of us who commit our professional lives to promoting ethics and governance. This book is a must read for leaders, regulators and students who are serious about creating lasting positive change.
Cris Parker, Director, The Ethics Centre